Study of Phosprenyl antioxidant activity in various biological test systems

A.V. Sanin, A.N. Narovlyansky, A.V. Pronin, T.N. Kozhenikova, V.Yu. Sanina, A.D. Agafonova

Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology
(18, Gamaleya st., Moscow, 123098).

The drug Phosprenyl (PP) widely used in veterinary practice is known to possess immunomodulatory, antiviral, antiinflammatory, adjuvant, pancreoprotective and other pharmacological properties.

The aim of this work was to study the antioxidant activity of PP.

Production of reactive oxygen species was studied in suspensions of rat peritoneal macrophages by method of luminol– dependent chemiluminescence. Induction of lipid peroxidation was produced in the incubation medium containing rat liver microsomes. Also used were the model system of xanthine– xanthine oxidase and "Fenton reagent".

PP exhibited antioxidant properties in different test systems. It has activated the "respiratory burst" and inhibited the chemiluminescence induced by phorbolmiristatacetate. When studying the effect of PP on peroxidation of liver microsomes lipids of rats, it was also found that PP exhibited antioxidant activity. ЕС50 was 10 µg/ml.

At the same time, when studying the ability of PP to inactivate hydroxyl radical in the model system "Fenton reagent" it was found that in concentrations of 2– 20 µg/ml PP exibited antioxidant activity, while at concentrations of 200– 400 µg/ml – prooxidant effect.

Results of antioxidant activity expression by PP are in good agreement with previously identified anti– inflammatory properties of PP. The manifestation of prooxidant properties at high concentrations is also shown for other lipophilic compounds of isoprenoid nature, in particular, for α– tocopherol, which is also a known membrane– protective agent as well as PP.

Keywords: phosprenyl, polyprenols, antioxidant activity, reactive oxygen species, hydroxyl radical, lipid peroxidation ( Russian Veterinary Journal №9, 2017)